Devo Platform 8.6.0 Release

Related products: Devo Platform
Devo Platform 8.6.0 Release

Devo is happy to present Platform 8.6.0!  This release has some highly anticipated features to provide you with new, powerful ways to search data, experience the platform and new operators for you to craft even better data search queries!


Deployment Information

  • Release Thursday December 14 at 11am CET
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Customer Impact: None


Region Status
CA Released
US Released
EU Released
APAC Released


Table of Contents


New Features

New LINQ Operators

Three new LINQ complex type operators are now available.

  • array : an array is a collection of sorted elements of any type (repeated or not).
  • set : a set is a collection of unique (non-repeated) elements of any type whose order is indifferent.
  • map : a map is a collection of key-value pairs whose order is indifferent.

Summary of Complex Type Operations

array set map Mixed Types
mkarray or y] mkset or {} mkmap or {:} array (Server Operation)
isempty isempty isempty set
length/size length/size length/size bag
has/in has/in has/in  
add add add  
join join (Server Operation)    
at or t] a]   at or <] >]  
  band band  
  sub sub  
values (Server Operation)


Server Operations are computed in the backend. When used after a grouping it will automatically turn on Server Mode.

Full Breakdown of the Complex Operators here:


What is the Date for this Release?



Thanks, Juan!!! We are excited for this update.

FYI this update was delayed for one day. Will be releasing Dec 12!

FYI this update was delayed for one day. Will be releasing Dec 12!

Has the update been postponed?

New Release date is Dec 14th!

Release is deployed!

Subqueries in Data Search where deployed in this release in an inactive state.   This was done over an abundance of caution for edge cases where they may affect user experience.  The team has identified a way to mitigate this risk and Subqueries in Data Search will become available once that system is in place.  I have opted to remove the Subquery information,  in an effort to clear up any confusion and release the information once the Subqueries in Data Search are available for everyone to use in the next release.  You can use them through API with no changes.


Once I have a firm date, I will update this comment with the release notes link and add all the information for you there!