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The latest Endpoint Agent release is now available!

Geo Availability

Region Status
CA Pending
US Released
EU Released
APAC Released


Table of Contents



New Features

Compatibility with ARM architecture

The deployment process of Endpoint Agent 1.5.0 generates extra packages for ARM architectures. Users can download an ARM-compatible package from the service available in port 8081.

EPEL checks in Amazon Linux 2

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux checks are performed during installation, avoiding reinstallation in certain cases, which contributes to a reduced deployment time in Amazon Linux 2.

Inventory checks include dependencies

EA deployment package includes a tool that helps check the state of the environment before starting the deployment process. The checkinvt tool now checks the status of required dependencies to ensure that the environment is ready for deployment.

New outputs towards Devo

Expose the configuration of the number of sockets that will be established toward Devo.

By default, EA Manager opens five sockets toward Devo, and when events are sent, it selects one of the available sockets to send the data to. In the case that the thread cannot retrieve an available socket, an error is sent back to the Endpoint Agent and buffering occurs on the client side. To allow users to tune this scenario where the EA Manager has enough resources to allow for more outbound sockets, new configurations are exposed at EA Manager level.

This parameter can be configured to solve congestion issues.



Additional Changes

Vulnerability fixing

  • The following vulnerabilities have been fixed in the EA Manager:

    • CVE-2022-24999

    • CVE-2022-37601

    • CVE-2022-41723

Improved Security Pipeline

Delivered changes to the pipeline to be able to detect and fix vulnerabilities faster.

New Golang Version

Upgraded golang version to 1.20.2 for EA Manager.


Update Procedure

Follow the documented upgrade procedure listed here.

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